Thursday, July 25, 2013

Blog It July Catch Up

Blog It July Day #22
What is the greatest love story you have ever witnessed in person?

My parent's marriage is a pretty good story, though that part of it that fascinates me happened before (a lot before) I was around, so I didn't technically "witness" it.
See when my parents met, my dad was married to another woman. He and his then-wife had relocated from Long Island to Iowa City so that she could attend grad school. My mom was a small town Iowa girl who wanted to go to Cornell - but my grandparents wouldn't hear of it, so she also ended up in Iowa City.
My dad's ex wife was crazy. CRAZY. And I'm sorry he had to deal with that shit. BUT...

If my dad hadn't made a mistake and married the crazy ex, he never would have moved with her to Iowa. And then he wouldn't have met my mom at all. I think their love is proof that (almost) everything really does happen for a reason.

Blog It July Day #23
What are 10 words that describe you?

I'm not going to do this today. I'm not up to the challenge. I just wrote it in because I didn't want to seem like I was trying to pretend I wasn't that far behind on my Blog It July posts. Haha.

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